Champions of Krynn: Raças


Essa é uma adaptação de raças para o LevelUp D&D, também chamado de A5E. 


Overview. “The true race—the masterpiece of the life-giver—was all that any god could have wanted in a chosen people. Not as tall and awkward as humans, and neither as short-lived as humans nor as indecently long-lived as elves, the new race was equipped with all the skills people needed. They made fine tools and excelled in using them. Sturdy and strong of limb, they could hew stone as other races might hew soft wood. They had the imagination and inventiveness that ogres lacked, the sense of progress and stubborn determination that elves lacked, and the continuity of purpose that humans lacked. Through trial and error, Reorx in his wisdom had finally created the proper people for the world of Krynn—the race of dwarves.” – Dwarven lore.

Dwarves say the elven king Quevalin Soth once proclaimed upon seeing their city “the greatest civilization my eyes have yet beheld….And in all its splendor and wonder, never once was the nature of the gods tampered with. Millions upon millions of dwarves labored here in unity and peace; their works were beyond any to be found in all the realms of the sky!

Today, most dwarves live the fortress city of Thorbardin built beneath a mountain range. Dwarves are varied enough that each is essentially its own race. They were most affected by the Cataclysm as the powerful quakes that shook the world destroyed their kingdoms and cut off contact between their realms.

Roleplay. Most dwarves can seem dour and grumpy, but that is their defense against unwanted contact. To friends, they are outgoing and gregarious, quick to roar at a good joke. They are also a passionate people, perhaps out of all races. Dwarven wrath is truly frightening, and seeing a tender oboe played well may bring one to his knees in joy. Dwarves are raised with a passion for hard-work and consider the comforts of hard work to be indulged in. All dwarven males take tremendous pride in their beards, keeping them long and well-groomed, and women take elaborate care of their hair, growing side tufts. It is a severe dishonor for a dwarf to shave their facial hair. Dwarves have a stubborn refusal to let go of the past, and outside sages will observe the greatest enemy to dwarves has been civil division between the clans.

Appearance and Features. Dwarven appearance varies by clan, but universally all are dense statured and boned, and nearly all tend to 4 to 4 ½ feet tall, weighing around 130 to 170 pounds. Males can grow long, full beards, and females tufts of hair on their cheeks. Dwarves have a wide vocal range and use rhythmic chants and songs combined with echoes to create haunting and amazing effects. They are11 considered young until around age 50 (when most males go bald) and live to around age 450. Until married, no dwarf is truly considered a mature adult (arranged marriages are a cornerstone). All have an innate aversion to swimming due to their non-buoyant bodies that tend to sink.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your Speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor or wielding tower shields. 

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 

Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 

Creator’s Blessing. You were born with the gift of creation. You gain proficiency with one set of artisan’s tools (either brewer’s supplies or mason’s tools) or smith’s tools. During a long rest, you can use these tools for crafting instead of sleeping and still receive the full benefits of the long rest.

Tough. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Dwarf Gifts 

The Forge God bestows all kinds of divine gifts upon his children. In addition to the traits found in your dwarven heritage, select one of the following dwarven gifts. 

Dwarven Stability

You gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would knock you prone, and on saving throws made to resist being shoved.

Dwarven Toughness 

As a bonus action, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d10 plus your level. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. You can’t use this trait again until after you finish a long rest. You gain advantageon saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.


Dwarven Paragon

As a dwarf accumulates deeds and glory, the Forge God bestows upon them even greater gifts. When you reach 10th level, you gain one of the following paragon gifts.

Fury of the Earth

As an action, you can strike the ground with a melee weapon you’re proficient with. The ground in a 30-foot radius around you becomes difficult terrain. Each creature on the ground in the area makes a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or is knocked prone. A creature concentrating on a spell makes a Constitution saving throw or its concentration is broken. You can’t use this feature again until after you finish a long rest.


When you succeed on a death saving throw, you can expend on a death saving throw, you can expend one Hit Die to regain 1 hit point as if your check result was a natural 20. You can’t use this feature again until after you finish a short or long rest.

Neidar (“nearest”, hill dwarves)

Neidar was coined for those dwarves that farmed the land above Thorbardin. They have deeply tanned skin, brown and the occasional hazel or green eyes. Hair colors range from all colors, though by age 50 most will turn silver-grey, then white at old age. They develop wrinkles around 40 making them look older than they really are. Their eyebrows tend to hang over their eyes giving many a natural scowl. Men tend to braid their beards and tuck them in their belts while women take elaborate pride in their long hair. They like their comforts and say “a good chair can outlast a good friend.” They tend to earthy dress.

Neidar pass down grudges through generations, and the strongest is the “Great Betrayal,” when Thorbadin sealed its gates after the Cataclysm, leaving its kin to suffer and leading to the Dwarfgate Wars (a war no one won).

Sayings overlap with mountain dwarves and include “eyes high” (scouts, stay alert), “sometimes a stone is just a rock” (don’t get your hopes up), and “the gods look after fools, children, and drunks, and [kender] count for two out of those three” (common phrase when trying to be patient, usually with kender but any race).

Relations. They get along well with the Qualinesti elves (having a common history of building together long ago), are hesitant around gnomes whose hard work may exceed common sense, understand half-elves who are cast out, see humans as tolerable but reckless, and are baffled how kender have survived. They are the most open dwarven clan by necessity, not desire.

Names. All have a family name they hold with high regard. Some examples are: Fireforge, Coalfist, Greeneyes, Winterseed, and Broadland. Children are given individual names at birth, often after an ancestor. Common male names are Amos, Aylmar, Cale, Flint, Garth, Holden, Ruberick, and Tybalt, while female names include Fidelia, Glynnis, Helta, Jetta, Mica, Mileen, Ruby, and Tuilen. Names tend to practical, 1-2 syllables.

Deep Suspicion of Magic. Your lack of trust with wizards protects you from some magic. You have advantage on saving throws against illusions and to resist being charmed or paralyzed.

Wagoneer. You are proficient in either Animal Handling or land vehicles.

Ways of the Land. You are proficient in Survival or Nature checks.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Dwarvish, and two additional languages.  

Mountain Dwarves 

This term refers to a variety of dwarves that live underground in Thorbardin: the Hylar (“highest”), Daewar (“dearest”), Klar (“crazed”), and Aghar (“anguished”). They exist alongside the clans of dark dwarves. Each clan is led by a Thane who sits on a Council that elects a king. Because there are empty seats, by tradition a king cannot be named.

They tend to weigh closer to the 200-pound side. The Daewar are the tallest, growing near or slightly over 5 feet. Most have light brown skin, dark but bright eyes, and hair tends black to brown to gray. Daewar have near golden hair, and Hylar hair ranges sandy-blonde to brown. The Klar let their hair grow wild in tufts and tie trinkets like bones and beads into their beards. All are devoted to clan first and willing to defend their home to the death. Unlike Neidar, they believe wealth should be expressed to show one’s hard work, leading outsiders to conclude dwarves must be hoarding vast wealth.

The Hylar have the most experience with outsides, prizing honor, respect and tradition. They are considered the most noble and the most kings have come from their ranks. They also generate skilled architects and engineers, and most of the great works in Thorbardin and Kayolin are their work.

Dwarven Training. You have proficiency with battle axe, hand axe, light hammer, war hammer, light, and medium armors.

Stubborn. You refuse to be subdued. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist being charmed or frightened.

Stonecunning. Whenever you make a History check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and have advantege in the test.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Dwarvish, and one other language.

The Daewar comprise most of the traders. A common saying is “may their hearts and pockets be rich.” They tend to be intense, very religious, and leaders in all areas of public works. They are strongly allied to the Hylar. “He was born with a hammer in his hand” is a common saying for how they raise their children.

Arts of Worship. You are proficient with your choice of either Performance, two musical instruments, or two artisan’s tools.

Stubborn. You refuse to be subdued. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist being charmed or frightened.

Detect Faith. You are trained to detect even the most subtle indications of a person’s religious perspective. After you speak with a person for at least 1 minute, you can use an action to make either an Insight or Religion check opposed by their Deception check. On a success, you learn the following information about them:

• Whether they have a lower Wisdom score than yourself.

• Whether they are religious; if so, you also learn their faith.

• Whether they have class levels in the cleric or herald class.

Devotion. You have advantage to identify itens, arts and places made by any religion people.

Religious Education. Your community is steeped in scripture, song, and storytelling. You are proficient in the Religion skill.

Siblings in Faith. You have advantage on checks made to socially interact with members of your current or former faith, such as when requesting services or gathering information.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign in Common, and Dwarvish, and one other language.

The wild Klar are laborers, farmers, and servants for thousands of years to the Hylar. A touch of insanity runs in the Klar bloodline due to quicksilver exposure eons ago.

Underground Combat Training. You are proficient with hand crossbows, short swords, and war picks.

Laborer. You, or your ancestors have skills in demand. You are proficient with a set of artisan’s tools and one skill of your choice.

Stubborn. You refuse to be subdued. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist being charmed or frightened.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Dwarvish, and one other language.

Mountain dwarves tend to find a spouse between ages 40 to 60 and stay mated even after death. It is considered a dishonor to remarry. “From earth to earth and stone to stone, we give back what Reorx has delivered unto us” is a common funeral phrase. Honoring the dead is a major part of their life.

Sayings include “rust and tarnish!” (curses), “by Reorx’s beard!” (battle cry, surprise), “don’t be fooled by a crumbling jewel’s luster” (look closer), “toasts are boasts with beer” (be bold).

Relations. They rarely leave their mountain. Qualinesti elves sealed themselves off from trade, gnomes are secretly admired for their tireless work ethic but often perceived as cursed, most don’t understand the duality of halfelves, humans are unreliable, and kender are nuisances.

Name. Family names such as Bonecutter, Hammerstand, Ironmaul, Longslate, and Thornwallen are used with each belonging to a clan. Birth names reflect an aspect of clan values or an honored ancestor. Male names include Blaxter, Handil, Hopton, Jerem, Shard, and Tarn while female names include Amelista, Andean, Girasol, Jett, Nebba, and Tera. Hylar tend to commanding, strong names related to the earth or weapons such as Granite Stonesinger or Jade Stonetooth. Daewar prefer flashy names like Olim Goldbuckle or Crystal Truesilver. Klar prefer warrior-like terms like Rilt Smeargash or Fara Greenblood.


Overview. The favored of Paladine. The fair folk. The immortal children of light. The bastion of civilization. The firstborn of the gods. The elves have been known by these things for millennia, but also arrogant, pretentious, and callous recluses. They have had the most advanced and elaborate civilizations on Krynn. With lifespans of centuries, their study of the arts, magic, and philosophy are unmatched. They have been a bastion against evil since the world was created, but they are also a race divided, splitting off into separate kingdoms long ago after the Kinslayer Wars with one another. 

Roleplay. Well aware of their achievements, lifespan, and place in history, most tend to be proud almost to a fault, looking down in disdain or pity at the shorterlived and backward races. This complex has been ingrained deeply in their cultures and difficult to overcome, even for those who spend time with the other races. All share an affinity for the natural world, whether asking it to do their bidding or embracing its wild state.

Appearance and Features. Universally, elven features are more delicate and severe than humans, with pointed ears, almond-shaped eyes, prominent cheekbones, and slender builds. Most stand 5 to 6 feet tall, weighing 100 to 145 pounds. They have no body hair except thick tresses which many wear extravagantly Their movements are entrancing and effortless. They reach adulthood around 80 and live around 700 years.

Silvanesti are the color of white pine with eyes of blue or brown, hair light brown to blonde-white with rare charcoal black. Hazel eyes are a symbol of the line of Silvanos, their greatest hero and founder. When not in conflict, most prefer loose garments, jewelry, flowing robes, and capes, all designed to show luxury. A few of the oldest of their men (600+ years) can grow wispy beard hair, a mark of a man worthy of respect. They scoff at lesser races that grow beards before wisdom. They are the tallest of elves, rarely below 5 ½ feet tall, and because of their manners, somehow seem taller than others shorter than them.

Qualinesti are slightly smaller than their Silvanesti cousins. They are the color of sun-bleached oak with hair ranging from rich walnut to autumn aspen leaves. Eyes are chestnut brown or sky blue. Non combat dress is functional yet beautiful with men preferring woven trousers and jerkins, women long dresses or skirts. Elaborate jewelry is customary, and many showcase ear piercings.

Alenesti are the shortest of elves, generally slightly under 5 feet tall. They tend muscular and rich brown skinned. Hair ranges from red-black ironwood to sandy tan pine, with very rare silvery-white. Most women wear their hair in a single braid. Eyes are always hazel-nut brown. Faces tend to more weather-worn but still, in comparison to humans, a picture of perfection. They frequently embrace body art – permanent or temporary - favoring geometric shapes surrounded by leaves and vines, symbolizing artificial constructs can never escape nature. Their clothing tends to functional buckskin leathers, ornamented like body art, and leggings. Men prefer a sleeveless leather tunic. Both adorn clothes with tokens made from silver and semi-precious stones, believing them to have warding powers. In times of relaxation, they prefer airy clothes and bare feet.

Darkvision. Having your ancestral origins in the twilight realms, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Elven Blood. You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Trance. Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining conscious (the Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that became reflexive through years of practice. When you take a long rest, you spend 4 hours in your trance state (instead of sleeping for 6 hours). During the trance you suffer no penalty to passive Perception. A long rest remains 8 hours for you as normal, and the remainder of the time must be filled only with light activity.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign in Common, Elvish, and one other language.

Elf Gifts

Elves are known for their uncanny perceptiveness, which according to some can even extend to the power to read minds and see the future —although such powers are very rare. In addition to the traits found in your elf heritage, select one of the following gifts.

Mystic Rapport

Some elves are so attuned to the arcane that they can see magical energy with their eyes, sense the presence of nearby elves, and communicate mentally.

Elves with the gift of Mystic Rapport have the following traits:

Arcane Sensitivity. You gain proficiency in Arcana.

Arcane Empathy. Your sensitivity to the flow of magic lets you speak to the hearts of others. You have a limited ability to communicate telepathically with those within 30 feet of you. Though this grants the target no ability to respond telepathically, they can understand you as long as you share a language with them.

Magic Adept

You are born with magic coursing through your veins, and are able to utilize it in a number of ways. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. At 3rd level, choose one 1st- or 2nd-level spell from the wizard spell list. You can cast the chosen spell without any material components once per long rest. A 1st-level spell chosen this way can be cast at 2nd-level using this trait, if the spell allows. Your spellcasting ability for this trait is the same as the ability score used in the spellcasting class in which you have the highest level, or Charisma if you have no levels in a spellcasting class.

Preternatural Awareness
The conventional senses of elves are thought to be more finely tuned than those of other mortals. Some scholars debate whether it is merely a matter of sensitivity, or if the elvish trance meditation heightens their awareness in a way other mortals simply are unable to rival.
Elves with the gift of Preternatural Awareness have the following traits: 
Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in Perception.
Prophetic Instincts. Your ability to detect danger is nearly supernatural. You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you can’t be surprised while conscious (including during your Trance).


Elf Paragon

When you reach 10th level, you are an exemplar of elfkind, and you gain one paragon gift from the following list.


Nature cannot block the legendary accuracy of your people. Your attack rolls ignore half cover, and an area being lightly obscured does not impose disadvantage on your ability checks. You do not have disadvantage from making ranged attacks at long range.

Inexorable Darkvision

There is no range limit for your darkvision.      



They are the first children of the gods, the oldest and wisest, keepers of civilization and bastion against darkness. Some of the greatest advances in magic, warfare, and art have been from their kind. This superiority has caused them to become xenophobic, shutting off their borders. Nothing is beyond their grasp given enough time and effort. They tend to be quick to anger, having developed over centuries highly refined and precise social structures to be adhered to. Social structure is the House, a caste system that determines one’s profession and who they will befriend and marry. Their affinity wit  nature is to direct it into what they need. For the Silvanesti, they have survived for over 3000 years by keeping with their ways.

The greatest Houses are: Royal (direct descendants of their founder Silvanos), Cleric (lorekeeping now, much prestige lost since the Cataclysm), Protector (army, the only house an elf can join), Mystic (magic, great teachers of the Art have come from their ranks and they have the highest survival rate in the Test), Metalline (metalworking, including mithral), Advocate (teachers, judges, civil servants, diplomats), Mason (builders that meld magic and skill), Gardner (farmers, gardens that are artworks), Woodshaper (growth of forest into whatever they desire), and Servitor (labor, including slaves).

Sayings include “May your life be green and golden” (originally commoner taking leave of a lord, now general farewell); “By Paladine” (vulgar astonishment); “Unfit for an ogre” (scorn). They use metaphors and cliches. Many of their words (e.g. shalafi (wizard master)) have been adopted by other races.

Relations. Qualinesti are lost heretical cousins who have no appreciation of the civilization they left behind, Alenesti uncouth barbarians. Humans are the cause of most of the world’s grief and misery. Dwarves are dirty little creatures that should stay below the earth. Kender are thieves. Gnomes are mad. Half-humans (half-elves) are an affront to elven purity. Ogres and minotaurs should be killed on sight.

Names. Men use a patronymic system adopting the father’s surname. Women vary, taking the mother’s surname, or parents jointly choose a one-word descriptor of the environment as they were born, such as Oakleaf or Moonborn. Occasionally, less noble families may blur the systems.

Male names include Avonathalonus, Falindrithan, Jahran, Kardanon, Lothas, Maravallon, Pellarin, Quimathon, Silvanas, Terevalis.

Female names include Aleaha, Ladine, Lisindrela, Maleesa, Nemetranee, Raenavalona, Roselenna, Serinda, Telisina, Thyanel.

Family name examples include Althonos, Caladon, Calostin, Dralathalas, Kaldeist, Lanthaloran, Oakleaf, Rathenas, Starbreeze, Takmarin.

For example, a Silvanesti would introduce themselves as Ladine Takmarin of House Advocate.

Cunning Diplomat. You can always choose to use Intelligence when making a Deception, Insight, Intimidation, or Persuasion check.

High Elf Education. You are proficient in Arcanism and one additional skill of your choice.

High Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with rapiers and longbows.

Ways of the Land. You are proficient in Survival or Nature checks.


The Qualinesti split from their cousins eons ago after the Kinslayer Wars that pitted brother against brother (their leader, KithKanan, led them to a new land). They are a principled people, believing good must be pursued, innocents protected, and the end never justifies the means. Even so, they have xenophobic natures like their cousins, tending to see their culture by sheer age as more advanced than other races. Before the Cataclysm, they freely traded and interacted with dwarves and humans. After, when humans came to plunder and rape, they closed their borders.

Like their cousins, they have a caste system adn patriarchal monarchy. However, mobility between Houses is much more fluid, and reputation is tied very little to one’s House. Commoners ignore the distinction altogether. Wizards are held in high regard, and it is an honor to have a White Robe in the family.

Sayings include “Trust in Paladine but carry an extra bowstring” (old, be ready); “Pretend to competence and purpose and few will suspect otherwise” (ancient); “Stay far away from dragons and bored kender” (pre-Cataclysm), “The biggest fish in a small pond still swims in a small pond (originally a dig at human merchants visiting Qualinost for the first time, now a general put down of anyone in charge of a weak institution).

Relations. There is little to trust about the Silvanesti ways, Alenesti require guidance towards civilization. Humans caused the Cataclysm. Dwarves once worked with the elves long ago but have lost themselves to their need to plunder the earth for riches. Kender are unintentionally dangerous. Gnome devices cannot be trusted. Half-humans (half-elves) are pitied but allowed to exist in elven culture. Ogres and minotaurs should be killed on sight.

Name. They do not use surnames and have a name consistent of many long syllables. They use a shorter version to be used by family and friends. Males names include Armantaro, Gilthanas, Harmanutis, Kelevendros, Kemian, Paladithel, Quenavalen, Solarinas, Tanthalas, Vanthanoris. Female names include Ailea, Deanna, Gilleana, Kaylan, Laurana, Merathanos, Ororana, Rhyana, Thorala, Verhanna. For example, one might be Tanis (short) and Tanthalas (long), or Laurana (short) and Lauralanthalasa (long).

Nature Minded. You are proficient in Animal Handling and Survival, and either Medicine, Nature, or Perception. 

Enhanced Vision. Choose one of the following.

Nightwalker: You gain advantage on Investigation and Perception checks made in moonlight or starlight.

Sunseeing: You gain advantage on Investigation and Perception checks made in daylight.

Qualinesti Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with shortbows and longswords.


The Alenesti are the true Children of the Wood, closest to nature as any creature can be, seeing spirits in all living things and omens in the acts of nature. They are closer to humans in their willingness to let the ends justify the means and act, relative to elven lifespans, rashly. Like their cousins, they tend to xenophobia when it comes to other races. They live in scattered communities and Clan (a collection of families) is their primary social structure. Clans are nature-inspired, such as White Osprey. They are almost exclusively found in Southern Ergoth. Every Alenesti learns skills of survival, and it is demonstration of these skills one earns a name. Their music is almost all accompanied  by chants and hums instead of lyrics, and dance is a major part of their art. They refused eons ago to follow Silvanos to found a new elven kingdom, calling this the Separation and his promises The Great Lie. They enjoy poetry and oral tales, never tiring of hearing a tale over and over. 

Sayings include “Prey” (a shrill heee-oooo twice); “Read your bow” (lower pitch chika-tee); “Domma yzindah ene koynek (hiding behind your grandmother’s skirt, coward); “Kithpah gorya” (spirits protect me, relief and exasperation).

Relations. They left the Qualinesti and Silvanesti to avoid losing their culture. Humans caused the Cataclysm and deforest, to be avoided. Dwarves can work with us but are too willing to destroy the earth. Kender refuse to give into fear, irritating but to be respected. Gnomes are unfathomable. Halfhumans (half-elves) are the product of violence and should not be tolerated. Ogres and minotaurs are blood enemies.

Name. At birth (Life Gift) they are given a nature name. During the rite of majority (around 60, prove their adult skills), they will take a name relating to their life at the time. A major life event might cause a name change. They love nicknames and often have several. When talking with other Kagonesti, they will refer to their clan. Names include Sutaraxl (woodheart), Reamont (water runner), Ruderic (nighthawk), Thurvian (white robes), Kuruk (sharpears), Shuriki (excellent trader).

Fleet of Foot. Your Speed increases by 5 feet.

Nature’s Ally. You can cast animal friendship without material components once per long rest. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest).

Nature’s Touch. Choose one of the following:

Way with Animals: You gain proficiency in Animal Handling and with land vehicles.

Way with Plants: You gain proficiency in Nature and herbalism kits. 

Treeborne Scout. You gain a climb speed equal to your Speed.

Wood Elf Weapon Training. You are proficient with longbows and shortswords.

No Time for Magic. You can't have the gift Magic Adept.


Overview. “Why is it you are called half-elf and not half-man?”

"According to humans, half an elf is but part of a whole being. Half a man is a cripple."

There are no happy stories with half-elves anymore. Once, some say, an elf with lifespan of centuries would love a human and despite the taboo of such a bloodline, a child would result. That was long ago, in a time of child bedtime stories told by fanciful humans. Today, the half-elf is often a byproduct of the worst of crimes, the violation of an elven woman by human soldiers or bandits. In Silvanesti or Alenesti culture, such children are often mercifully drowned. In Qualinesti culture, they are dutifully taken in and pitied. In human culture, they are outcasts, not to be trusted for their elven heritage. In elven culture, they are called “half-men” and cannot be trusted for their violent human heritage. It would be a rarity and taboo for an elf and human to voluntarily mate, and likely the union would be kept a secret.

Roleplay. Half-elves (or half-humans as elves call them) have no culture of their own. They are the bastards of the world, neither parental culture wanting them, a reminder of violence and hate. They differ in appearance not to fit into either culture, though half-elves can better hide their differences in human cultures, though they live longer than most to remind them they don’t fit. Those who reconcile their existence often spend life reconciling other halves, causing them to be indecisive and hesitant at times with multiple races. Oddly, this dichotomy leads some to be natural leaders of outcasts and diverse groups, for they are accustomed to multiple (often hostile) points of view. To play a half-elf is to take on a most difficult mantle and challenge.

Appearance and Features. They inherit the best and worst of their heritages. They are taller and more muscular than elves, but less graceful. Their ears are pointed and eyes almond shaped, but enough to ever pass as an elf. Male half-elves often grow a beard to more easily pass as human. They range 5 to 6 feet tall, 100 to 180 pounds. Men can grow facial hair. They mature as humans but live to 180 years.

Relations. Those amongst human find themselves denying their heritage in some way. In elven communities (Qualinesti), they reconcile themselves to pity and contempt, a visual reminder of the atrocities of humans who best occupy themselves with physical and menial labor to distract from their kin. Other races simply see them as a part of whatever culture they are in, elf or human.

Names. Depends on which culture raises them. Qualinesti elves will give them an elvish name. Many human cultures simply add a surname of status such as “halfelven,” “White Robe,” or “farmhand.

Darkvision. Having your ancestral origins in the twilight realms, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Elven Blood. You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Quick Learner. Half-elves acquire knowledge at a higher rate than more longlived heritages. You gain proficiency in one additional skill of your class.

Mixed Cultures. Choose a Human culture, listed under the Human section.

Half-Elf Gifts

Humanity’s most overlooked trait is their physical and spiritual endurance.

Ingenious Focus

You have the following traits:

Inexorable Concentration. When you fail a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration or a death saving throw, you can immediately reroll it, taking the new result. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and regain all expended uses after a long rest.

Resident Expert. You have a reputation for painstaking detail on certain tasks and subjects. Choose two tools with which you are proficient, or a skill with which you are proficient from Animal Handling, Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. When you make a check with that tool or skill and the d20 shows a natural result of less than 10, you can count the d20 result as being 10.

Spirited Traveler

You have the following traits:

Desperate Dash. When you take the Dash action, your movement this turn does not provoke opportunity attacks. During this movement, you gain advantage on Acrobatics checks made to avoid hazards and Dexterity saving throws. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.

Marathon Runner. The first time between each long rest you would gain a level of fatigue, you do not gain that level of fatigue. You still suffer a level of fatigue from finishing a long rest without any Supply.

Sojourner’s Fortitude. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist fatigue for marching longer than 8 hours.


Half-Elf Paragon

When you reach 10th level, you are an exemplar of elfkind, and you gain one paragon gift from the following list.


Nature cannot block the legendary accuracy of your people. Your attack rolls ignore half cover, and an area being lightly obscured does not impose disadvantage on your ability checks. You do not have disadvantage from making ranged attacks at long range.

Inexorable Darkvision

There is no range limit for your darkvision.    


Overview. Humans are the most diverse race on the continent.

Abanasinians. Following the Cataclysm, Abanasinia became home to refugees who brought their own distinct cultures. Quickly, these cultures combined into their own unique one. The humans of Abanasinia have retained the physical traits of their original cultures and mixed blood with Plainsfolk. Most have learned to speak the Plainsfolk language of Abanasinian. See other humans for name ideas. 

Abanasinian Plainsfolk. Three tribes dominate the plains. They tend taller and are noted for their tawny skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. They speak Abanasinian, tend to neutral alignments on either or both spectrums and tend to trust none but their own tribe: the Que-Shu (largest, tests of strength and ancestor worship), Que-Kiri (warrior tradition) and Que-Teh (merchants, healers). See Alenesti Names on page for name ideas. They use two-word combinations such as Arrowthorn, Goldmoon, or Riverwind.

Ergothians. The Ergothians, once a massive empire, live on the island of Northern Ergoth and are mostly dark to ebony-skinned with dark hair and eyes, though some remnants of the empire include Solamnic blood. As seafarers, they trade with a variety of neighbors. It is a feudal system ruled by an emperor with a view that the sea is life. Ergothians speak Ergot and Common. Names tend to a fantasy blending of real-life ancient Rome, Germanic, and Arabic. Language sounds Turkish. A sentence is subject-object-verb, so instead of “I shot the goblin with an arrow” an Ergothian might say “An arrow into the goblin I shot.”

Solamnic. The Solamnics dominate the Solamnia region and tend fair skinned with all hair colors. They house the Knights of Solamnia, who are often seen with distrust for their failure to protect the people from the Cataclysm long ago. Their speech is noted for long vowels. Although the Knights prize moustaches, few Solamnic men prefer to grow them. They speak Solamnic and Common. Names tend to a fantasy blend of German, old English, and French. They speak without stresses at the beginning or end of words. Sayings include: “When preparing for battle, never forget to look up to the gods for a blessing, and while your eyes are thus occupied, to check for enemies hidden in the trees,” “Coincidence is Old Solamnic for I don’t know,” “Gone to Huma’s breast” (Knight saying when a Knight dies, adopted by populace); “Fair noon” (greeting).

Fast Learner. With their shorter life spans, humans can acquire knowledge at a higher rate than more long-lived heritages (although not all acquire the wisdom to use it). You gain proficiency in one additional skill of your choice.

Intrepid. Your survival instinct is remarkably strong. When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can choose to gain an advantage on that roll. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Human Gifts

Humanity’s most overlooked trait is their physical and spiritual endurance.

Ingenious Focus

Not all human minds work the same — some have a nearly miraculous level of focus. People with this intellectual mode often bring a surprising level of insight and passion to almost any topic they engage. In spite of their brilliance, they typically have difficulty with more general awareness. You have the following traits:

Inexorable Concentration. When you fail a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration or a death saving throw, you can immediately reroll it, taking the new result. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and regain all expended uses after a long rest.

Resident Expert. You have a reputation for painstaking detail on certain tasks and subjects. Choose two tools with which you are proficient, or a skill with which you are proficient from Animal Handling, Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. When you make a check with that tool or skill and the d20 shows a natural result of less than 10, you can count the d20 result as being 10.

Spirited Traveler

The power of movement is one of humanity’s evolutionary advantages. An ancient human hunting strategy for killing fast game is persistence hunting — following prey relentlessly, shifting between walking and running endlessly until a beast became too exhausted to defend itself. Many humans maintain their health through running, and foot races are a universal favorite game. In a word, humans gifted at running will go far. You have the following traits:

Desperate Dash. When you take the Dash action, your movement this turn does not provoke opportunity attacks. During this movement, you gain advantage on Acrobatics checks made to avoid hazards and Dexterity saving throws. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.

Marathon Runner. The first time between each long rest you would gain a level of fatigue, you do not gain that level of fatigue. You still suffer a level of fatigue from finishing a long rest without any Supply.

Sojourner’s Fortitude. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist fatigue for marching longer than 8 hours.

Human Paragon

When you reach 10th level, you are an exemplar of humankind, and you gain one paragon gift from the following list.

Wind at Your Back

Your Speed increases by 10 feet. You ignore difficult terrain when you Dash. When you make a melee weapon attack against a creature, until the end of your turn you do not provoke opportunity attacks from it.

Voracious Learner

You gain an expertise die in each of three different skill or tool proficiencies.


You have a large city upbringing, such as Palanthus or Kalaman

Discreetly Armed. Even while armed, you  know how to be discreet and nonthreatening. You gain an advantage on checks made to persuade others to let you remain armed or to conceal weapons or items about your person.

Fashion Sense. You know how to read people through their clothes and bearing. After you spend at least 1 minute observing a creature within 60 feet, you can use an action to make either an Insight or History check against a DC equal to the creature’s passive Deception check score.

On a success, you learn the following information about that creature:

• Whether the creature has a lower Charisma score than yourself.

• The creature’s culture and national origin (if any).

• The creature’s social standing in the local majority culture.

Skill Versatility. In the big city, you never know what skills you’ll need to get by. You gain proficiency in Perception and one other skill of your choice.

Urban Denizen. You know your way around big cities, and know how to find people in urban locations. You can make an Investigation check to learn the location of (or at the Narrator’s discretion gain a helpful clue to the trail of) a person by discreetly asking around in the right places. The difficulty of the check is DC 15 if the individual is not hiding, or DC 20 if they are trying to conceal their location.

Stubborn. You refuse to be subdued. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist being charmed or frightened.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign in Common and two additional languages.

Imperial (Ergothian)

You were raised in the Ergothian Empire.

Conscript. All subjects of the crown must register for the draft, but many go ahead and serve in the guard. You are proficient with light armor, spears, and light crossbows.

Learned Teachers. Those at the safe center of empires often have privileged access to fine teachers and the opportunity to follow their interests. You know about the past, at least as told by your people. You gain proficiency in History and one other skill of your choice.

Local Healers. Citizens at the heart of a nation often see more healers and clerics in a year than a remote villager sees in a lifetime, and your medical upkeep has made you resilient. Whenever your hit point maximum or one of your ability scores would be reduced, it is reduced by half as much instead (minimum 1).

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and one other language.


You are a wanderer raised or living in multiple settings.

Blending In. You are used to blending into a new culture. You gain proficiency with the disguise kit.

Conscientious Socializer. The first time you interact with strangers in an unfamiliar land or region, you gain advantage to the first Charisma check you make. This trait does not work on groups if at least one person in a group knows you.

Ways of the Land. You are proficient in Survival or Nature checks.

Motive and Reason. The reason why you have a home away from home tells a unique life story. Choose one of the following:

Labor Migrant: You, or your ancestors, came in search of honest work or because your skills were in demand. You are proficient with a set of artisan’s tools and one skill of your choice.

Refugee: By great misfortune, you and many others left your homeland so that you might survive. You are proficient in Survival, and when in an urban environment can roll Survival checks when using Intimidation or Persuasion.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and three additional languages.

Lone Wanderer

You have shirked communities. 

Culture of My Own. You have rejected other cultures in favor of building your own. You gain four skill or tool proficiencies of your choice.

Discreetly Armed. Even while armed, you  know how to be discreet and nonthreatening. You gain an advantage on checks made to persuade others to let you remain armed or to conceal weapons or items about your person.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and two additional languages.


Commonly known as Plainsfolk or barbarians, or those who have been raised in their ways.

Nature Minded. You are proficient in Animal Handling and Survival, and either Medicine, Nature, or Perception.

On the Road Again. You are proficient with land vehicles and tinker’s tools. You can use tinker’s tools to repair a land vehicle you have travelled in for at least 1 month, and gain advantageon any checks made to do so. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on checks made to control or navigate a land vehicle.    

Sense Weather. After observing an outside area for 1 minute, you can predict the weather within the next 24 hours. You cannot foresee magical changes, but you can use an action to make an Insight or Perception check to notice them.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and two additional languages.


You were raised as a frontiersman, at the edge of civilization.

Claim Staker. A tall fence and the grit to defend it is often all it takes to stake a claim out on the frontier. Whenever you begin a long rest, you can choose to spend the first hour of that rest making the area into a fortified position for the duration. While resting in a fortified position, the ground in a 60-foot radius area around you is considered difficult terrain for any creatures other than those you consider allies. In addition, the first time a hidden creature enters the fortified area, it makes a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature inadvertently makes loud noises and is no longer hidden.

Frontier Survival. You are proficient in the Insight and Survival skills.

Strange Forager. You gain advantage on any check made to determine if something is poisonous.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, and two additional languages.


Overview. “And another thing, I’m sick of everyone calling me a liar and a thief and putting me down, just because I’m a kender! Being tall doesn’t make you right, and it sure doesn’t make you smart!” – an upset kender

The same kender: "I asked my father once why kenders were little, why we weren't big like humans and elves. I really wanted to be big," he said softly and for a moment he was quiet. "What did your father say?" was the reply. 

"He said kenders were small because we were meant to do small things. 'If you look at all the big things in the world closely,' he said, 'you'll see that they're really made up of small things all joined together.' That big dragon down there comes to nothing but tiny drops of blood, maybe. It's the small things that make the difference.”

Kender are the “Children of the World,” a race with an irrepressible sense of adventure, spontaneity, and curiosity that embodies a youthfulness and lust for life that many adventurers share.

Kender are fearless. They do not grasp their own mortality. However, this does not equate to stupidity and they would never endanger the life of a friend. However, they don’t like running away if there’s no apparent danger because they might miss something exciting.

They are eternally curious, possessed of a drive to investigate, ask questions, and find unusual beauty in the world. There’s a saying “If you find an open door, go inside, and if you find a locked door, open it.” This curiosity is genetic, manifesting in a time of life called Wanderlust when a kender is driven to explore the world.

Kender are irrepressible. They dread boredom and may see a “we’re going to die” moment as a chance to do something “just for the fun of it.” As they say, “death is the last great adventure.”

They have a different concept of value. Kender don’t steal, but their curiosity leads them to unconsciously “borrow” fascinating-looking things to later examine. They lack malice in this regard and are genuinely surprised when accused of stealing something with the intent to deprive someone of it. They also don’t understand being greedy. Kender maintain many pouches and pockets to hold all the interesting things they find.

Kender are extremely compassionate to beings less fortunate than themselves and make lifelong friends. They are quick to forgive slights from friends. There is a tale of a hunter who shot the pet deer of a kender village. When he tracked the wounded deer to their village, the entire town had turned out to help the wounded animal. The sight of a village of kender crying their eyes out caused the hunter to give up his bow and take up fishing.

Kender are child-like at times in how they see the world. If they see two friends arguing, they rarely take sides and instead become sad. They like to be helpful if directly asked. They like to tease friends in a good-natured way (e.g. if a room smells bad, they might comment on the similarity when the group’s dwarf takes his boots off). They love dreams better than reality, love storytelling, and love dancing and music, often adding chimes, whistles, drums and bells to their daily tools.

Phrases: “You must have dropped it.” 

“Why insult a door’s purpose by locking it?”

“No road is ever old.” 

“If the milk is spilt, the cat will lick it.” 

“Don’t change color to match the walls. Act like you belong and the walls will change to match you.”

“Someone’s lost item is another’s good fortune.”

“If you’re going to do something, do it the fun way.”

“He’s a doubting Trapspringer.”

“Oops.” (the one thing you don’t want to hear a kender say)

Appearance and Features. Kender average 3 ½ to 4 feet tall with males tending slightly taller. Weight is generally 85 to 105 pounds with slender builds and wellmuscled bodies due to high metabolisms. From a distance, a kender could be mistaken for a human youth, but their face wrinkles gained around age 25 and pointed ears give them away. Kender find their “face lines” attractive, and over time they give kender a wizened look. Kender are fair-skinned and retain a youthful appearance their entire lifespan. Kender hair tends sandy blonde, brown, and coppery, graying as they reach elder age. Most wear their hair long, and a popular style is the topknot. Kender cannot grow facial hair.

Kender have a high range of voice pitch abilities and can mimic birds and small animals very well. They prefer gaudy, bright-colored clothing, and no self-respecting kender will be found without their pouches. Kender mature around age 20, when Wanderlust sets in, lasting anywhere from 5 to 50 years. When it fades, kender feel a strong pull to return to a community. Some will find a mate during Wanderlust, and others will engage in complex wedding rituals when they return. Kender become elderly around age 70 and can live to around 100.

Relations. Kender get along with everyone except cruel people. Gnome inventions are exciting. Boring people are not. Other races worry they are thieves or call them pests. However, the truly wise of all races know kender are innocents of the world and something precious would be lost if they were gone.

Names. Each kender has a given name and a chosen name that is more descriptive, sometimes chosen after a harrowing or memorable event. Kender like to compare their lineage to see if they are related to the mythical Uncle Trapspringer.

Male names: Arlie, Buckeran, Jackin, Kipper, Kronin, Malon, Pentrien, Rufus, Tarli, Tavin, Tasselhoff, Tekel, Tobin.

Female names: Amari, Amber, Catt, Emla, Ethani, Juniper, Mela, Meridon, Paxina, Teeli.

Chosen names: Burrfoot, Deeppockets, Flamehair, Lampwick, Lighteyes, Mudskipper, Nimblefingers, Quickstep, Redfeather, Riddler, Softtread, Thistleknot, Triplever.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. 

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fearless. You are immune to the frightened condition.

Taunt. As a survival mechanism, kender have learned to enrage their enemies into foolishness. As a bonus action against a creature that can hear and understand you within 60’, unleash a barrage of sarcasm, insults, and crude comments at them. Make an opposed Charisma (Performance) versus Wisdom (Insight) check. If you exceed your target’s roll, they gain the condition “taunted,” suffering -1 to attacks and ability checks for every 5 points you succeeded over the target’s roll (minimum -1). This lasts until the start of your next turn (1 round). Multiple taunts are not cumulative. If the target wins the opposed check, it is immune to your taunt for 24 hours. Kender are immune to the taunted condition.

Explorer. You gain proficiency with cartographer’s tools.

Curiosity Did Not Kill the Cat. You gain proficiency with one of the following: Acrobatics, Performance, Stealth, or Thieves’ Tools.

Slippery. When you are grappled, you can use your reaction to automatically escape that grapple. Once you have used this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Handler. You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand, and you have advantage when picking a pocket or otherwise taking an item without notice.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Kenderspeak, and one other language.

Hoopak. You are proficient in the signature kender weapon hoopak and start with it in addition to any other gear. A hoopak can be used as either a quarterstaff (bludgeoning or piercing damage) or sling.

Kender Gifts

Kenders have always a trick under the sleeve.

Improved Taunt.

You have uncanny insight into the motivations and characterizations of other races. You can rerrol any taunt made. When you use this feature, you have to take a short rest to recover it.

Remarkable Eyesight

Kender don’t miss many details. You gain advantage when making a visual Perception (Wisdom) skill check.

Kender Paragon

When you reach 10th level you gain one paragon gift from the following list.

Cunning Reflexes

Choose one of the following saving throws: Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. You= gain an expertise die when using the chosen saving throw to resist magic.

You’ve Made it This Far

When you roll 1 on a d20, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.



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